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R4i sdhc and R4 sdhc are slot1 flash card whichdelicated for the developments of Nintendo Dual screen (NDS) consolesIt's the successor of the onginal R4 ds flash card whom,received highest reviewsR4i sdhc and R4 sdhc support high capacity which allow the maximum of 32GBApart from home brew gaming,it also supports homebrew obligations,multimedias functionsThis is a senes Ds12 comments share save hide report 78% Upvoted This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast Sort by best level 1 7 months ago Look into "Woodr4" That's the firmware IR4 R4i SDHC Revolution for NDSi/NDSL/NDS R4i Cards R4 R4i SDHC, AceKard 2i, M3i Zero, R4i DSi, R4 SDHC, R4i GOLD, R4 DS
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R4SDHC(WiFi) Upgrade Revolution for DS(NDSL /NDS) R4SDHC(WiFi) Upgrade Revolution for DS(NDSL /NDS) is the latest R4 SDHC version The R4 SHDC Revolution is an flashcard so you can use a micro SDHC TF card (up to 32GB) PR See original listing Wifi R4 Upgrade Revolution Nintendo DS V 14 Photos not available for this variationEl último firmware era la versión 123 en Ingles hasta ahora 🙂 NOTA Filip informa que este firmware también funciona en tarjetas N5 Gracias (http//wwwdsn5com) Read the rest of this entry »I have a R4 Revolution for DS (NDSL/NDS) and have been trying to update the firmware for it, i have been on Linfox Domain and have tried different ones usually when I've installed them my R4 card stops working altogether, is there anyone tell should be installing or what i may be doing wrong

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